Eyes in the sky

How important is your privacy to you? And what would you define as a violation of that privacy?  If your neighbor climbed over your fence into your backyard and peered into your window, would you not almost certainly be offended? Without any doubt, this person would be breaking multiple laws Read more…

Road Trip to California

The last time you went on a road trip to another state you probably had a lot of things going through your mind. Did you pack everything? Where are you going to stop for gas? How long can I take fast food? I hope the kids sleep. And on and on. But you probably aren’t thinking about the difference in laws. It may surprise you, but not all states protect motorists as well as Washington does. Edwardo Morfin, an attorney at Anderson Law in Kennewick, recently had the opportunity to sit down with a California attorney to discuss some of those differences. Here is what he found out.
